Various videos including interviews with some artists from 200CENT gallery and just videos for fun:)

12HOURSOUP process video

Process video of the activation ‘12hoursoup’ in 200cent.

Metal cauldron made by Mateo Prado with the assisance of Helena Buxa and Chloe Cekada.


Interview with Sergei Nemudrov

 Following the curation process, exhibition and live painting of Russian artist Sergei Nemudrov.

Anna Floto speaks with Sergei about his life, inspirations and his work leading up to his exhibition 'Thoughts Out Loud' in 200CENT- a creative space in the center of Barcelona which aims to create unity through diversity by allowing young artists to experiment and share ideas and their artistic practise with the public


instagram:@____.200cent @sergunmt

Interview with Marcel R. Bjerg

Before his show La Ceba, La Pala i El Camí in 200cent, Anna speaks with Marcel R. Bjerg about days he would relive in his life, the concept of negative space, inspiration from judo and where the root of this exhibition lies. 


instagram: @____.200cent @__bjerg

Psychoudini Promo

Promo video for Psychoudini's first solo exhibition in 200CENT gallery, Barcelona


Instagram: @____.200cent @pychoudini

Sergei Nemudrov promo video

Promo video for Sergei Nemudrov's solo exhibition in 200CENT gallery, Barcelona


instagram:@____.200cent @sergunmt



Laura Joan Shop

2345—45/42 LISUM